By | 6:35 PM Leave a Comment


One of the greatest breakfasts of all tímes. It's a perfect treat for a lazy Sunday morníng.
They taste remarkably dívíne when stíll warm, wíth the ícíng that has not set entírely.
A defíníte crowd-pleaser. If you decíde to share ít, that ís.

Recípe: Apple cínnamon rolls
The dough
one cup of mílk
1/3 cup of melted butter
1/3 cup of brown sugar
2 tsp. of ínstant yeast
2 cups of flour

1/3 cup of melted butter
1/3 cup of brown sugar
3 tbsp. of ground cínnamon
2 small apples, díced

Cream cheese ícíng

200 g of cream cheese
1/3 cup of confectíoner's sugar
1/3 cup of mílk

Combíne mílk, butter and sugar ín a pot. Scald the míxture. Set asíde and let cool untíl lukewarm. 
Add yeast, let them sít for a mínute and add flour. Stír the míxture together untíl well combíned. 
Cover and let sít for at least an hour. 
Work the dough. You míght need to add some more flour (about 1/2 cup). 

Sprínkle surface wíth flour. Roll the dough ínto a rectangular shape. 
Drízzle wíth melted butter, sprínkle wíth brown sugar, top wíth díced apples. 
Role up dough and pínch edge together to seal. Cut ínto rolls. 
Place cínnamon roll slíces close together ín a buttered pan and let ríse for about 30 mínutes. 
Bake at 200C for 15-20 mínutes. 

To make the ícíng, míx cream cheese, confectíoner's sugar and mílk together untíl thíck and pourable. 
Top warm rolls wíth the ícíng.


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