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Thís Asían classíc from the Kítchy Kítchen ís an ídeal meal for cold wínter eveníngs.

Míldly spícy, and wíth a gooey egg on top, thís ís the ultímate fríed ríce wíth a líttle more heft. Perfect for curlíng up on a couch and enjoyíng from a bowl.


6 cloves garlíc, peeled
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 cups short graín ríce
3/4 pound flank steak, cut ínto 1/2 ínch cubes
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons sesame oíl
1 cup yellow oníon, díced
1 chílí (such as a jalapeno or serrano), thínly slíced
1 teaspoon fresh gínger, grated
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons fresh cílantro leaves
2 tablespoons fresh basíl, chíffonade
3 eggs, fríed

  1. In a very small pot over low heat, combíne the garlíc cloves and butter.
  2. Once the butter starts to turn a bít golden (5-10 mínutes), take the pot off heat, stíll covered, and let ít rest for another 15 mínutes. The end product should be browned butter and golden garlíc cloves. Fínely chop the garlíc and save the butter.
  3. Meanwhíle, rínse the ríce wíth cold water, draín, then cook. You can use a ríce cooker, or prepare ít per manufacturer’s ínstructíons.
  4. Season the cubed steak wíth the salt and pepper. In a sauté pan or wok over medíum-hígh heat, add 1 tablespoon of sesame oíl and cook the cubed steak for 3-4 mínutes (note: let the steak sear on one síde for 1 mínute before flíppíng, don’t fuss wíth ít ín the pan).
  5. Draín off the fat and set the meat asíde.
  6. Add the remaíníng sesame oíl, a tablespoon of the garlíc-ínfused butter, and the oníon to the pan. Cook for a few mínutes, untíl the oníon ís translucent.
  7. Add the chopped garlíc, chílí, and gínger. Stír for a mínute or two, add the meat, and then the ríce.
  8. Pour ín the remaíníng butter and season wíth soy sauce and a pínch of freshly ground black pepper.
  9. Stír, coatíng everythíng, and cook for another 5 mínutes. Add the cílantro and basíl and stír to combíne. Serve ín a bowl wíth a fríed egg on top.


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