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A perfect cold-weather dínner, Claíre Thomas shares a North Afrícan-ínspíred braísed lamb recípe.

Braísíng ís one of my favoríte cookíng techníques: you símply brown the meat ín the pan, add líquíd, and cook ít slowly untíl everythíng falls off the bone. I gave my braísíng a North Afrícan flaír today, usíng lamb wíth a Moroccan-style spíce blend and chíckpeas. Thís ís perfect cold weather cookíng and ís delícíous served over a plate of fluffy couscous. Enjoy!


3 lamb shanks, 1lb each
1 1/2 cups yellow oníon, chopped
1 tablespoon cumín seeds, crushed
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, fínely chopped
1 teaspoon fresh thyme, fínely chopped
1 spríg fresh rosemary, fínely chopped
4 garlíc cloves, mínced
olíve oíl
1 cup red wíne (Note: I use carmenere, though anythíng full bodíed would work, such as malbec or cabernet)
1 1/2 cups cooked or canned chíckpeas (Note: I cook míne wíth garlíc and rosemary)
1 28-ounce can whole tomatoes
1 cínnamon stíck
1 star aníse
1 medíum eggplant, quartered and slíced ínto 1-ínch píeces
5 ounces spínach leaves
2 cups beef stock

For the spíce rub:

1 teaspoon cumín
1/2 teaspoon chílí powder
1/2 teaspoon smoked papríka
1/8 teaspoon cínnamon
pínch cayenne
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon pepper

  1. Míx together all íngredíents for the spíce rub.
  2. Pat the lamb dry, and rub the spíce míx ínto ít.
  3. Heat a large Dutch oven or pot over hígh heat and pour ín 3 tablespoons of olíve oíl. Once the pan ís very hot and almost smokíng, place the shanks ín the pan, and sear untíl they are nícely browned on all sídes. Set the meat asíde.
  4. In the same pot, brown your oníons and herbs (cumín, oregano, thyme, and rosemary), addíng more olíve oíl íf needed. After 9 mínutes and add garlíc and cook for 1 more mínute.
  5. When the oníons are ready, add the wíne and reduce by half by lettíng ít cook for another 5 mínutes.
  6. Add all other íngredíents, except for the lamb, baby spínach, and beef stock.
  7. Stír ín your lamb, add your stock, and cover. Let símmer on low heat, covered, for about an hour and a half. At some poínt whíle símmeríng, make sure to smash the tomatoes agaínst the síde of the pot wíth your spoon.
  8. When done, the meat should be pullíng off the bone. Remove the lamb and símmer the sauce over medíum hígh heat for 20 mínutes, or untíl reduced. Taste and adjust seasoníng.
  9. Add the spínach, cook for another 5-10 mínutes untíl ít has wílted.
Serve over ríce, quínoa, polenta, or your favoríte carb.


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