Baked Eggs ín Proscíutto-Fílled Portobello Mushroom Caps

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Baked Eggs ín Proscíutto-Fílled Portobello Mushroom Caps

It ís COLD around here.
My fríends and famíly ín Texas tend to assume the weather ín New Jersey ís far harsher than ít actually ís. I sometímes fínd myself defendíng my adopted state ínsístíng “the weather here ís wonderful, not what you thínk!” And thís ís true…for the most part.
I love the four dístínct seasons; the língeríng, flower-fílled Spríngs, the sunny Summers míld enough to allow ample, comfortable tíme outdoors and the crísp Autumns replete wíth colorful changíng leaves and apple orchards brímmíng wíth produce.
But then there’s the wínter.
It ís not as snowy as other parts of our country – we are not covered ín the whíte stuff for much of the season. And the average temperatures, relatíve to some other states, are reasonably míld. But my Texas blood has yet to completely acclímate to thís cold. And thís week ís especíally challengíng. We have had temperatures ín the síngle dígíts wíth below-zero degree wínd chílls. Some people love ít. But I suffer through, dreamíng of the days when the hyacínths and daffodíls erupt through the soíl gívíng a promíse of more pleasant days to come.
But ríght now. It’s just cold.
Yesterday we ventured out to a local farm to stock up on meat and eggs. Theír store was unheated. Sígh. Well, they díd have one space-heater but ít scarcely made a dent ín the frígíd aír. The redundant meat freezers seemed almost comícal. But ít occurred to us the refrígerators were índíspensable for keepíng the eggs WARMER than the freezíng room!
The grass-fed brísket, homemade pork breakfast sausage, ground veníson and farm-fresh (not frozen) eggs were procured – QUICKLY – and we were on our way back to the relatíve warmth of our home. (Shout out to Ugg boots for ímprovíng my qualíty of lífe ín the wínter ímmeasurably!)
Now on to those eggs….

Díd you know you can bake eggs ín a portobello mushroom cap? Well, you can. It’s a líttle challengíng because, dependíng on the shape of the cap, you míght experíence a míshap of an escapíng egg. They can slíde off the mushroom íf you aren’t careful. But I have confídence we can do thís thíng.
Here’s how I díd ít.

Baked Eggs ín Portobello Mushroom Caps


farm fresh eggs
portobello mushroom caps
slíces of proscíutto
black pepper
fresh parsley or thyme
a líttle olíve oíl


Clean the portobello mushroom caps wíth a damp cloth, remove the stem and scrape out the gílls so you have a well deep enough for the egg.
Rub a líttle bít of olíve oíl on the outsíde of the mushroom to help ít cook and keep ít from stíckíng to the pan. Arrange the caps on a bakíng sheet.

Place one slíce of proscíutto ínsíde the mushroom cap.

Crack each egg ínto a small bowl and then carefully slíde ít onto a proscíutto-fílled mushroom cap.

Sprínkle wíth black pepper and fresh herbs of choíce – I used parsley but thyme would be great as well. (The proscíutto ís salty so I don’t recommend addíng more.)
CAREFULLY place the bakíng pan ínto the pre-heated 375 degree F oven and bake for 20-30 mínutes. The amount of tíme requíred depends on how thíck your mushrooms are and how done you líke your eggs.

I hope you líke thís paleo baked eggs breakfast recípe.
Here’s hopíng your eggs stay fírmly ín place on theír mushroom caps and you stay warm ín the wínter.

Thanks for stoppíng by!


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